High Vibrational Aura and Room Clearing Spray
This proprietary blend consists of 15 Bach Flower Remedies
- Witch Hazel
- Andara Clear Quartz
- Andara Oracle Clear
- White Sage Essential Oil
- Palo Santo Essential Oil
- White Angelic Essential Oil
- Soul Support
- 13th Octave Lahochi infusion
- Multiple Reiki Symbols and energies
- Angelic Frequencies
- Ascended Master Frequencies
- Violet Flame Energies
- Golden Christ/Buddha Ascension Energies
- DNA Upgrades
- Tachyon
This Aura Spray cleanses and clears all debri from your aura and from any room or space. Spray around your aura field and feel the lifting, clearing and peaceful energies! With over 1,000,000 healing frequencies and energies of the highest light, you may feel the upliftment immediately after spraying. Use a few sprays all around your bed and on your pillow for a wonderful night’s sleep. Spray in your car to keep the energy smooth and peaceful as you drive. Spray in sacred space areas for high light vibration. Spray to repel any unwanted 'visitors' of a lower vibration.