A spiritual portal for healing
Where: Tachyon Healing Centre
Class: Tachyon Chamber
What is it?
The Tachyon Chamber is a space where you can experience a high concentration of Tachyon energy. (Tachyon is a natural energy source made up of subatomic particles that move faster-than-light.) This “energy field”—as Linda Chau, owner of Tachyon Healing Centre, likes to call the chamber—is a unique healing space that tends to your personal journey. “Everything from gaining greater clarity on certain life matters to healing on both an emotional and physical level,” she says.
After going through her own life-changing experience with Tachyon energy in Sedona, Arizona, Chau felt called to bring Ontario’s first Tachyon Chamber to Toronto. Curious about her experience, I (assistant digital editor, Alyssa Ball) decided to give a 60-minute session a try.
Why is it so hot right now?
“Collectively, we are becoming more and more open to the diverse ways we can get in touch with our spirituality and our higher consciousness, as well as the range of different ways we can heal and empower ourselves,” says Chau. Plus, it’s a fitting space for those who are looking to strengthen their spiritual journey.
(If your in search of a spiritual vacation, learn why Sedona, Arizona is a go-to for good vibes.)
What are the benefits?
Embracing Tachyon into your journey is another way to expand your spiritual practice—and depending on your openness to receive, you have the potential to experience exponential benefits. “Everyone’s experience in the chamber is different,” Chau tells me. “Some people experience visions or past life regressions, meanwhile some cry throughout their entire session.”
Here are some other experiences that can occur:
Activation and balancing of chakras.
Assist mental clarity (stress, emotional, spiritual blockages).
Assist body for physical subatomic healing of discomfort, illness and pain relief.
Spiritual ascension.
Deep relaxation.
Deepen or unlock psychic journey.
Open and/or strengthen Third Eye. (New to meditation? Here’s your beginner’s guide.)
As I sat in the chamber—hands clutched onto meditation rods, while a Tachyonized weighted blanket, eye mask and noise-cancelling headset muddled my senses—to be present, was my only option. But after a few minutes (or, what I can only assume) in the chamber, things took an unexpected turn: I began to cry.
Not long after, my tears suddenly came to a halt and I experienced nothing more than a calming, tingly sensation that overtook my body throughout the rest of the session. I then awoke to Chau lightly pressing on my ankles.
Serene yet troubled by my unexpected sob, I wanted to know why it didn’t last very long—so I asked Chau. “You simply stopped what was bubbling to the surface,” she uttered, suspecting that I was too in my head. Chau advises: Be open to receiving whatever it is that you experience in the chamber.
Who should take this class?
Everyone is welcome! And as with any type of healing practice, it’s always best to arrive with an open mind.
Although Tachyon energy can remain with you for up to two weeks post-session, keep in mind that there’s no set guideline for how often to visit the chamber. “If an individual feels the need to come weekly, check in every month or year, or do a sequence of days in a row, it is up to them,” says Chau. Just listen to your intuition and you’ll find the answer
Canada’s First Tachyon Chamber Opens in Toronto
For those looking to expand upon their spirituality, source a powerful new healing technique or simply deepen and enhance the results of your meditation practice, Canada’s first ever tachyon chamber has officially opened in Toronto, Tachyon Healing Centre. Previously, if one wanted to experience the powerful benefits of tachyon, one had to visit the first chamber, which was founded in the new age dreamland of Sedona, Arizona.
So what is tachyon, exactly? Tachyon is identified as subatomic natural energy particles that move faster than the speed of light. These particles are fused with spiritual light found in dense matter, lending a balancing and healing energy unlike any other on the planet. The alchemic combination of spiritual energy combined with tachyon technology compounded via a proprietary method comprising the use and variance of different alloys, elements and crystals results in a high vibrational healing system that positively affects all who come in contact with it.
So essentially, if you are someone who benefits from healing vibrational frequencies of crystals, you are exactly the type of person who will be open to experience the benefits of tachyon.
We have visited Tachyon Healing Centre twice now and both times, the experience has been extremely different. It is absolutely impossible to predict how exactly your body and spirit will respond to this high concentration of powerful energy on any given day. Some claim to experience visions, others claim to experience deep meditative rest, while still others may encounter less than pleasant feelings immediately following their session, often referred to a spiritual detox or negative energy or blockages purging from your system.
Famed Shaman Durek is a Big Fan of Tachyon
The proclaimed benefits of tachyon healing include aiding with stress and fatigue, detoxification, memory and concentration and deeper spiritual awareness and ascension. Sessions are offered in 30, 60 and 90 minute increments starting at $70. It is recommended to do a complete hour long session in order to gain the full benefits.
What’s noticeable about this new Toronto wellness space is that it doesn’t appear to be designed to attract Instagrammers looking to story their latest trendy wellness find. In fact, the actual chamber itself is incredibly functional, with an extremely comfortable chair, surrounded by tachyon devices. You can expect little to no pomp or circumstance at your appointment. The chamber is blatantly designed as a source, a gateway, an energy portal with no distractions or immediate calls to share on social media. You can expect the affects to resonate for up to 2 weeks after your session. It is recommended to journal your experience so that you can look back and review the shifts in your journey.
Tachyon is a powerful tool and can offer serious healing and access to deeper spiritual connectivity. In truth, the power of what can be discovered about oneself through a series of chamber sessions can not be underestimated. The Tachyon Healing Centre also offers Illumination Rods in varying sizes that can be purchased and used at home for your own meditation practice.
With an intention to bring a new healing service to the city, we are thrilled that the Tachyon Healing Centre is now open in Toronto. We recommend booking a session and will be booking more as well.
Tachyon Healing Centre
Step into the chamber and prepare to detoxify. This centre by Moss Park is built around the power of tachyon, an energy field built to help you de-stress and ascend into the spiritual realm with the help of Michium technology, alloys, and crystals. It should also be noted you don't have to know what any of that means to try this place out.
We have entered a new era of spiritual healing. Long gone are the days of needing a guru or mystic to heal or bring personal enlightenment into your life. With so much chaos and change happening in the world, many are turning to alternative forms of healing to find reprieve.
For those new to this world it may be challenging to discern what is real and what is just an expertly marketed guise. Coming directly from Source and condensed into form, Tachyon Energy is as real as it comes. This pure Universal life force energy has the ability to heal, clear, and elevate your consciousness faster than the speed of light. Like a super charged Reiki session, Tachyon releases blockages at their energetic core, and gives you exactly what you need.
This has lasting beneficial impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Endorsed widely by the internationally acclaimed Spiritual Teacher and Healer Shaman Duerk , Tachyon Chambers are popping up around the globe in an effort to make this healing energy far more accessible. With the latest chamber open in Toronto, we spoke with Linda Chau of Tachyon Healing Centre to find out more.
What is Tachyon and why is it useful?
Tachyon is a powerful subatomic particle. It is pure energy source. It is useful for rebalancing and harmonizing our spiritual being as well as our dense physical form.
What can one expect from a session in the Tachyon Chamber?
Many things can occur but differently for everyone because we are all individuals that need very specific, different healing. Everyone will experience both a physical reaction and a spiritual one. Although the level of intensity will vary to a degree depending on ones needs at the current state in their life.
Spiritually speaking one can gain higher ascension, awareness, clarity. The ability to see with their third eye (visions).
Physically speaking: Body sensations vary from buzzing, pulsation, and vibrations. All over the body or specific body areas. Some may experience headaches. There are many feelings that may show up. Nothing negative can live within this specific Tachyon Field, but that doesn’t mean that one won’t be overcome with feelings of sadness and anxiety. Feelings the Tachyon field will invoke to the surface so the person will learn to sit with it, dive deep into it, and assist you to help you to conquer it.
Where did Tachyon come from?
Tachyon is a natural source of energy. It exists like air and water. It is formless but its fields can be felt.
What inspired you to open up a Tachyon centre?
My passion to understand the human journey and the spiritual journey.
It has given me clarity on life and understanding that no book, lecture or teacher ever can.
What has your own experience from Tachyon been?
Life changing. Tachyon has given me the skills to adapt and surrender to life with another level of what love and kindness means. It is not an instruction. It has integrated into my being. It has given me foresight and the ability to perceive circumstances and situations on a different dimension which has made me much more of an observer of life instead of a walking reaction to life.
Given the amount of healing out there today, how does Tachyon stand apart and why would you recommend it?
I would recommend someone to try as many modalities of healing there is that feels appropriate for them. There is a gift in all of them. Healing should never be limited, or isolated to a form or identity. Groups and programs can offer community and social love so I highly recommend healing activities that promote the social aspect of being present. The Tachyon chamber stands alone because it is made for a solo journey. Aside from being set up into the chamber there is no facilitator, instructor or healer present. The work that is most important is the internal work someone does for themselves. This is what the chamber is for, it is different because the field provides a space in which it holds a person accountable for the self healing they have to do for themselves. The volunteer will have to learn to sit with themselves and what comes up from sitting with themselves.
Can anyone use and benefit from Tachyon energy?
How can we find you to book a session?
Please book a session online at
We recommend the 60 minute sessions.
I went to my Tachyon session completely oblivious to what I was about to experience.
Having heard about its life-changing effects, I was intrigued. Especially for that reason I wanted to be completely open and void of expectation to whatever I was about to experience. While I don’t meditate every day, I do practice yoga frequently and have been fortunate to find myself on a handful of meditation retreats, the longest being a 7-day silent retreat on the Thai island of Koh Samui. The sense of grounded calm I was able to drop into within minutes of laying in the Tachyon Chamber was equivalent to what I was able to achieve after 4 days of meditating in complete silence.
Let’s back up. On a cold Sunday morning, I walked into the Taychon Healing Center and removed my shoes. I followed the owner, Linda Chau, into the chamber and sat on a black velvet reclining chair placed in the centre of the room. The chair was encircled by clear crystal orbs that had been carefully placed in a geometric shape around the chair. Linda presented me with two velvet “meditation rods” and instructed I rest them gently against my side throughout the session. When she placed them in my hands, I immediately felt a charged energy emanate from them that felt heavy yet also embodied a lifted quality. She reclined my chair, lay a weighted mask over my eyes, gently placed noise-cancelling headphones over my ears from which played gentle, ethereal music, and lay a blanket over my body. I did not hear her leave.
The hour that followed can best be described as a mix between meditation and the kind of tranquillity that comes from a massage. I dropped in and out of deep meditation throughout which I felt very healing energy move its way through my body and localize in areas that had been causing me pain, like my lower back and my hamstrings -almost like someone was kneading tender pain points. If you’ve ever experienced Tibetan singing bowl therapy I can liken the energy to the vibrations of the singing bowls as they are tapped along your chakras and around your body. At times, I felt the meditation rods gently pulsate in my hands. Well into my session, I felt a sudden constriction in my chest that at once lifted off and bloomed into an elevating sensation, almost as if I was attached to puppet strings that were being gently manoeuvred towards the ceiling. Linda explained later that this was my heart chakra unblocking.
I left my session with a profound sense of calm, and intrigue about what I had experienced. Mostly, I left wondering, what is Tachyon energy exactly? Linda describes Tachyon as, “a powerful subatomic particle. It is a pure energy source that is useful for rebalancing and harmonizing our spiritual being as well as our dense form physical being.” An article from 1999 in The Scientific American describes Tachyons as, “theoretically postulated particles that travel faster than light and have ‘imaginary’ masses”. While Tachyon particles exist in scientific vocabulary, they haven’t been scientifically proven to exist. Linda herself first experienced Tachyon in Sedona, Arizona, after back-to-back three-day sessions that have in her words, “changed her life”. After her experiences there, she shut down her beauty business and instead focused all of her time and energy on creating a Tachyon Chamber here in Toronto, so others could experience the healing powers she herself felt in Arizona.
Do I see how some people (assuming they have read this far) could be rolling their eyes and bucketing me in with sage-weilding bohemians who check their horoscope more than their bank statements?
Linda herself sees how Tachyon energy might be too “new age” for some – but those are not the people she’s trying to reach. After my session, when I sat across from her in the lobby debriefing my experience, the meditation rods came up as a topic of discussion. “I travel everywhere with them. I get stopped at security every time I go to the airport but when I exclaim, ‘They’re my meditation rods!’”, she says wide-eyed, “ the agents roll their eyes and let me through. It’s like people with crystals.” Of course, there are those who will find doubt in this method of healing – but if you are curious and open to meditation and its benefits, I do recommend trying the Tachyon Chamber for yourself. Linda sums it up nicely, “Healing should never be limited to – or isolated to – a form or identity.” The Tachyon Chamber stands alone because it is made for a solo journey. Aside from being set up into the chamber, there is no facilitator, instructor or healer present. The most important work is the internal work someone does for themselves. This is what the chamber is for, it is different because the field provides a space in which it holds a person accountable for the self-healing they have to do for themselves. The volunteer will have to learn to sit with themselves and what comes up from sitting with themselves”.
Though I tried to quell expectations going in, I was mostly expecting to fall asleep or experience some of the light sensations one experiences during meditation. I left my session feeling detoxified and energized in my core, and knowing undoubtedly that my time spent in the chamber was beneficial in a healing way for my mind and body. To learn more or to book a session visit the Tachyon Healing Centre’s website.
By Carla Bragagnolo | November 28, 2019