Tachyons are subatomic particles that exist traveling faster than light, they have a healing and balancing effect on the mind, body and spirit. They restore and rejuvenate our sense of wellness. Tachyon is often referred to as energy because many can feel it. Tachyon is a Zero Point field of where neutral energies clear to make room for higher vibrations and frequencies.
Tachyon creates a field for deep meditation and for manifesting intentions, goals and desires. Tachyon harmonizes unbalanced energy and amplifies the power of crystals and any healing modality (Reiki, bodywork, etc). Tachyons work with your DNA to repair and upgrade the body's template. Continual exposure promotes healing and ascension. If you're looking to develop new skills and abilities, this is a fantastic place to start!
Benefits of Tachyon can be achieved by carrying or wearing Tachyonized Products or by visiting a Tachyon Chamber.
A Tachyon Chamber is a unique place where a portal is permanently open to stream Tachyon particles in at high levels. Inside the chamber you'll experience the highest concentration of Tachyon energy on Earth to assist in healing, restoring, and connecting with your higher self.
The intense fields of Tachyon feel like being underneath a waterfall or shower of Tachyon energy harmonizing your Chakras, emotional, mental and physical energies and working to balance your entire being.
Set your intentions for your session, then recline and relax comfortably. We'll provide you with a blanket, tachyonized eye mask, high frequency music with noise cancelling headphones and Mega Power Rods.Our Tachyon Chamber is connected to Source Love, which provides a strong protection against low vibrations and frequencies. This ensures Tachyon fields are used only for light.
Continual exposure to through our tachyonized product line or Tachyon Chamber sessions promotes healing and ascension.
This list includes some of the most commonly reported benefits of Tachyon. Each person will experience benefits based on their intentions.
Accelerates manifestation of intentions, goals and desires
Deepens meditation experiences
Balances Chakras and meridians
Reduce harmful effects of EMF from phones and electronics
Intensify any healing modality (Reiki, bodywork, etc.)
Amplifies the power of crystals
Repair and upgrade DNA
Harmonizes unbalanced energies
Awaken intuitive abilities, psychic and 3rd eye development
Clears mental and emotional blockages
Improves mental clarity and motivation
Promotes overall sense of well-being and alignment
Amplifies abilities of crystals and natural remedies
Assists with gentle detoxification of the body
Enhanced sleep quality
Amplifies the field of abundance
May slow the aging process
Raise your vibration
Relaxation and rejuvenation
Pets love Tachyon too!
Benefits can be achieved through Tachyon Chamber sessions, or by having Tachyonized products on or near your body like Tachyon Power Rods, Power Discs, jewelry, clothing, crystals etc.

Questions? Call or text us at (702) 608-7211

Tachyon Power Rods, jewelry, crystals & more!
The ways to tachyonize are endless! Tachyon particles can be infused into any physical object which permanently changes its quantum properties on a subatomic level without altering the chemical composition.
Keep Tachyon in any room to raise the vibration, in your wallet to increase abundance, in the kitchen to charge food and water, and in your car. Harmonize EMFs from phones and electronics. Use with any crystal or healing modality for a boost.
Tachyon Power Rods - Our most powerful tachyon product
Power Card - Keep in wallet to increase your field of abundance
Power Plate - Use in kitchen to charge food, water & supplements
Phone Card - Harmonizes EMFs from phones and electronics
Jewelry - Crystal pendants, health bracelets, necklaces, etc
Scarves - Wrap up anywhere to initiate peace and relaxation
Aura & Room Spray - Lift and clear the energy of any space instantly
Keychains & Accessories - Keeps Tachyon near you on the go